Top-Ranking di Prodotti

1.250,00 USD - 1.350,00 USD/chilogrammo
1 chilogrammo(Min. Order)

Main Categories

Condroitina solfato di sodio
Condroitina Solfato di Calcio
pesci mariniin polvere cartilagine
35,00 USD - 80,00 USD/chilogrammo
1 chilogrammo(Min. Order)
52,00 USD - 60,00 USD/chilogrammo
1 chilogrammo(Min. Order)
58,00 USD - 100,00 USD/chilogrammo
1 chilogrammo(Min. Order)
53,00 USD - 70,00 USD/chilogrammo
1 chilogrammo(Min. Order)
185,00 USD - 220,00 USD/chilogrammo
1 chilogrammo(Min. Order)
15,00 USD - 35,00 USD/chilogrammo
1 chilogrammo(Min. Order)
Recensione del prodottoChemical lab
R&D achievements: -- The team has undertaken 10 national, provincial and municipal scientific research projects, including 1 innovation fund project of the Ministry of science and technology of China: comprehensive utilization of animal cartilage materials. --One major science and technology project of Zhejiang province: development of solid phase extraction technology and its application in the production of chondroitin sulfate (in cooperation with Zhejiang university of technology).